• Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
    Book Reviews,  Books

    Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

    Tweet Cute by Emma Lord Book Review. Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin’s Press and Wednesday Books for the free eARC. All opinions are my own. Summary… Pepper is your typical high school overachiever. She’s busy trying to tick all the boxes a college could want, but her mom still wants her running the social media for Big League Burger, their once small local burger joint turned national franchise. Jack is more the laid back type, letting his identical twin brother take all the attention. He spends his after school and summer breaks working at his family’s small local diner, Girl Cheesing. When Jack sees that Big League Burger is…

  • Diana In Her Own Words
    Book Reviews,  Books,  Royal Family

    Diana: Her True Story In Her Own Words

    Diana: Her True Story In Her Own Words by Andrew Morton Book Review. Summary: In the early 1990s Princess Diana wanted a chance to tell her own story and she set about secretly doing so. Andrew Morton “interviewed” Diana by having a mutual friend, James Colthurst, sneak questions and a tape recorder in with him to Kensington Palace. Colthurst would record Diana’s answers and return them back to Morton. Along with the recordings, Diana also gave her friends and family permission to speak openly with Morton. The resulting book was a groundbreaking biography and a huge bombshell for the Palace to deal with. Review: This is the 25th anniversary edition…

  • You Were There Too
    Book Reviews,  Books

    You Were There Too by Colleen Oakley

    You Were There Too by Colleen Oakley Book Review. Thank you so much to Berkley Publishing for this free review copy! Summary: Mia is happily married to Harrison, although they’re not without their struggles. However, Mia has always had a reoccurring dream of another man. She clearly sees his face, but doesn’t know who he is. Then one day she meets him, the man she’s been dreaming of for years. The most confusing part of it is that he’s been dreaming of her too. Review: I was immediately drawn to the description of this book. I had some pretty high hopes, which I’m glad to say were exceeded. However, I…

  • Last Christmas in Paris
    Book Reviews,  Books

    Last Christmas in Paris

    Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb This story is told in letters primarily between Evie Elliott, home in London, and her brother’s best friend, Thomas Harding, starting as he departs for France at the beginning of WWI. Their correspondence gives us a glimpse into the experiences many faced during the war both at home and at the front. It allows us to see the change of attitude toward the war from the beginning till the end. It is both heartbreaking and beautiful and has a romance you’ll be rooting for. This book was at the top of my December TBR list last year after seeing so…

  • The Land of Roar
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Land of Roar by Jenny McLachlan

    Last month I was in a major book slump and DNFing right and left! I needed something to break the slump and I reached for this middle grade book, which absolutely did the trick and sucked me in. Narnia meets Peter Pan in this adventurous tale. In The Land of Roar, action and adventure carry the story, but the sibling dynamic between the twins adds a sweet and more serious aspect. The only thing better than the story itself is the amazing illustrations- both on the cover flaps and throughout. Click through below for some of the beautiful illustrations. Summary from the publisher: When Arthur and Rose were little, they were…

  • 10 Blind Dates
    Book Reviews,  Books

    10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston

    10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston Book Review. When Sophie breaks up with her boyfriend two weeks before Christmas, her family think they have the perfect plan to cheer her up. Ten members of her very large Italian family each choose and plan ten blind dates. You know when you have the flu and you hate everything? Well somehow I read this while I had the flu and I completely adored it! It was the perfect escape and I read it in one day. I loved the family dynamics, the dates, and the romance. I could get a bit nit picky about a few things, but I’m just too grateful…

  • The Quiche of Death
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Quiche of Death by M.C. Beaton

    The Quiche of Death by M.C. Beaton Book Review. Dear Agatha, We’ve had our ups and downs. Your book was suggested to me many times, but each time I picked it up I set it back down. The synopsis just sounded a bit silly. Finally I decided to give it a chance. It was slow going at first and, I’m not going to lie, I found you very unlikable. I also have very little patience for someone who doesn’t fully appreciate their cottage in The Cotswolds! I was about to give up on you, but then I remembered that many suggested to try your story on audiobook. Agatha, you did…

  • Our Rainbow Queen by Sali Hughes
    Book Reviews,  Books,  Royal Family

    Our Rainbow Queen by Sali Hughes

    Our Rainbow Queen by Sali Hughes Book Review. I adore this petite (like the Queen!) book. Broken down by color and pattern, it shows hundreds of pictures of the Queen’s most memorable outfits. It’s in the style of a coffee table type book (but smaller), so there are just short paragraphs or a few sentences giving some info on each one. I’ve always loved learning about the way the royals use fashion for diplomacy and Hughes points these out throughout. This is a great gift for a fan of the British Royal Family! I had it on my wishlist, but then couldn’t wait and bought it for myself… oops! I…

  • Named of the Dragon
    Book Reviews,  Books

    Named of the Dragon by Susanna Kearsley

    Named of the Dragon by Susanna Kearsley Book Review. Literary agent, Lyn, joins one of her authors for a Christmas getaway to South Wales. Her relaxing week away is interrupted by a recurring dream and the young widow next door. She is convinced Lyn is there to protect her child from danger. Lyn gets caught into a mystery stemmed in Celtic folklore. I really enjoyed Named of the Dragon. It’s a tad bit slow and feels a little repetitive, but its short enough that it in no way drags. The story is cozy read and the setting is rich. I wanted to be curled up by the fire in the…

  • How To Walk Away
    Book Reviews,  Books

    How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

    How to Walk Away by Katherine Center Book Review. In August I’d read so many books in a row that we’re just… meh. I was getting close to a slump and needing something with more substance. Browsing through audiobooks available from my library, I saw that How to Walk Away was available. I got totally and completely sucked into the story. It was so nice to be reading something that made me think and feel! This is one of those audiobooks that made me actually just want to stop and listen, not just listen to as I cleaned, cooked, etc. Its a beautiful story of finding inner strength, overcoming extreme…