• The Switch by Beth O'Leary
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Switch by Beth O’Leary

    The Switch by Beth O’Leary book review and audiobook review. Thank you Flatiron Books for the ARC giveaway win and Netgalley for the audiobook ALC. Review… The Switch is told in alternating POVs between granddaughter, Leena, and grandmother, Eileeen. I loved how effortlessly and subtly O’Leary switches the voice between a 29 year old and a 79 year old woman. It’s a sweet and cozy read that transports you back and forth from an English country village to life in London. If you’re expecting this book to have a lot of romance, I’d recommend adjusting your expectations. This is more of a story about the love of family (across three…

  • The Flatshare
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Flatshare Book Review

    The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary book review. How to get over jet lag? A good book! This book was good enough to help keep me awake when I was exhausted, but trying to power through and adjust to the England time zone on nights one and two of my trip last month. It also was there for me on night three (and made it totally enjoyable) when my body evidently decided not to be tired and didn’t want to sleep. This book has such a cute and unique plot- Leon needs to earn a little more money and since he only works nights, he figures someone else could live in…