• Last Christmas in Paris
    Book Reviews,  Books

    Last Christmas in Paris

    Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb This story is told in letters primarily between Evie Elliott, home in London, and her brother’s best friend, Thomas Harding, starting as he departs for France at the beginning of WWI. Their correspondence gives us a glimpse into the experiences many faced during the war both at home and at the front. It allows us to see the change of attitude toward the war from the beginning till the end. It is both heartbreaking and beautiful and has a romance you’ll be rooting for. This book was at the top of my December TBR list last year after seeing so…

  • Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
    Book Reviews,  Books

    Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand Review

    Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson. I’ve finished another one of your recommendations for books that take place in the English countryside! Thank you @erindotsmith for suggesting this one! The widowed Major Pettigrew is left contemplating his quiet life after the death of his younger brother. His has been a life of following all the rules. When he strikes up an unlikely friendship with the Pakistani local shopkeeper, Jasmina, things begin to take a turn as he starts to learn what’s truly important. I listened to Major Pettigrew on auidobook, which I would definitely recommend. This is a good one for fans of A Man Called Ove. It’s endearing and heartwarming…

  • The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Queen of Hearts Book Review

    The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin. This book follows two best friends, Zadie and Emma. It switches between their time in medical school and present day where they are married, mothers and successful doctors. We get to follow along as they are forced to relive the difficult time they both endured during their med school days. The “why” of their problems is left mostly unknown as the story unfolds. I read this book while in a bit of a reading slump and it was the perfect cure. Fast paced, interesting characters, intriguing plot… I was hooked! I love a good medical drama and this delivered. Personally don’t love being…

  • Next Year in Havana
    Book Reviews,  Books

    Next Year in Havana Book Review

    Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton. This book received all the rave reviews last year! I’m always hesitant that a book with so much hype won’t live up to it, but this one definitely did. I appreciated that this book had such a great story that swept me along and made it hard to put down while also delving into the history of Cuba and the turmoil both past and present. This book has dual timelines taking place in 1958 and 2017. I often find that I am drawn more to the present day story in dual timelines books. I like to follow along in the process of discovery,…

  • The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Simple Wild Book Review

    The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker. Calla Fletcher and her mom left Alaska when she was two years old, unable to handle the remote isolation. Fast forward 24 years, Calla has never returned to Alaska and has a good life in Toronto when she receives a call that her estranged father has cancer. She decides to take a chance and return to her place of birth. For a city girl like Calla the transition to the rural setting is not easy and it’s not made any easier by Jonah, the brooding pilot that works for her dad’s charter company. The story follows Calla as she struggles to adjust to her…

  • The Penderwicks
    Book Reviews,  Books

    The Penderwicks Book Review

    The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall The Penderwicks will take you back to elementary school summer breaks- going on adventures and maybe causing a little mischief. Following four sisters on vacation with their dad, the Penderwick family rent a cottage on the grounds of a large estate, Arundel. The sisters meet Jeffrey, the son of the wealthy owner of Arundel their first day. Adventures, exploring and a little trouble making begin. This endearing book is reminiscent of Little Women, but a more light hearted and modern take on it. It’s a sweet story of family, friendship, and the magic of summer break. I was in a big book slump when I…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    The Lost Castle Book Review

    The Lost Castle by Kristy Cambron. Following three women across three time periods, The Lost Castle is a lovely historical fiction with some strong female protagonists. The story starts in present day- Ellie Carver realizes that there is more to her grandmother’s past than she ever knew. Unlocking the mystery will take Ellie to the Loire Valley to track down the story. This book follows three timelines- present day, WWII, and the French Revolution. Within each of those timelines the story goes back and forth to flashbacks and the current day within that timeline. It can be a bit of work to follow and I found myself having to flip…

  • Personal

    Welcome to Idlewild

     “You have no idea how fascinating Idlewild is” – Anne of Green Gables I came upon the bookstagram and book blogging world almost two years ago and I felt like I found my own little corner of the internet.  I started my own bookstagram account in December 2017 and it’s been such a bright spot in my life. I’ve met some wonderful people and now I have a never-ending TBR stack! When I thought about starting my account I struggled with creating a name for it. I just felt like it had to be Anne of Green Gables related since it holds such a special place in my heart.  The…