• Persephone Books

    Persephone Books – London, England

    When I shared that I would be visiting London and asked for suggestions, so many people said I had to visit Persephone Books. I’m glad I took the suggestion! I wanted to share a bit about this interesting store and publisher and continue on with my England book haul by sharing my Persephone purchases. Persephone Books was founded in 1998 to publish books, primarily written by women, that had gone out of print. According to their website: The name Persephone was chosen as a symbol of female creativity, as well as of new beginnings (the daughter of Zeus is associated with spring). You can read the full history here. When…

  • England Book Haul

    England Book Haul: Non-Fiction

    I’ve been a bit slow with sharing my England book haul from my trip at the end of May! Last month I shared the YA/Middle Grade books I purchased and today I’m sharing my non-fiction finds. Four of these I picked up because of their beautiful covers, but it was the descriptions that sold me. They are books about gardening and nature, something the Brits do well! The fifth is historical and also works as a great souvenir from my favorite museum we visited in London. Skymeadow: Notes from and English Gardener by Charlie Hart This was one of my first purchases I made on my trip. We stumbled upon…

  • Books

    England Book Haul: YA Books

    Last month I spent a great 10 days in England. My husband and I stayed in The Cotswolds and London and did day trips throughout the Cotswolds, to Oxford and Blenheim Palace and to Windsor. I’m looking forward to sharing more about these destinations! I went a little book shopping crazy and ended up bringing back a lot more books than I originally planned on, but I have no regrets! Plus, even with the exchange rate, books are cheaper in the UK than in the US! I’m going to break my book haul into a couple posts and I’m starting today with my YA/Middle Grade purchases. Malamander by Thomas Taylor…